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FFA Pacific Islands Regional Oceancscape Program – Second Phase for Economic Resilience (FFA PROPER)

Name of Project: FFA Pacific Islands Regional Oceancscape Program – Second Phase for Economic Resilience (FFA PROPER)

Project ID: P177661

Total Project Cost and duration: USD9 million over 5 years (August 2023 – July 2028)

Implementing Agency: FFA

Environmental and Social Risk: Low

The Pacific Islands Form Fisheries Agency (FFA) has received grant financing from the World Bank for the implementation of PROPER. The Project Development Objective (PDO) is to strengthen regional capacity for management and sustainable development of the oceanic fisheries sector in Selected Pacific Island Countries. Targeted FFA member countries include: Federated States of Micronesia, Independent State of Papua New Guinea, Independent State of Samoa, Kingdom of Tonga, Nauru, Palau, Republic of Fiji, Republic of Kiribati, Republic of the Marshall Islands, Republic of Vanuatu, Solomon Islands, and Tuvalu.

PROPER has four components. 1) The first component, consolidating oceanic fisheries management, has the following sub-components: (i) Identifying, quantifying and reducing risks of IUU fishing in oceanic fisheries; and (ii) Enhancing the fisheries management capacity of Targeted FFA Members. 2) The second component, harnessing economic benefits of oceanic fisheries to the regional economy, has the following sub-components: (i) Modelling and forecasting economic and social benefits of fisheries development; and (ii) Improving investment climate and negotiation capacity. 3) The third component, strengthening FFA’s operating environment, has the following sub-components: (i) Low carbon transition for FFA’s infrastructure; (ii) Strengthening FFA’s cybersecurity, cloud business continuity, and business planning and accounting; and (iii) Engaging citizens on the regional importance of fisheries. 4) The fourth component, Project Management, aims to finance the Project Management Unit (PMU) to implement and manage the project, including staffing and operation of the project, conduct monitoring and evaluation, environmental and social risk management, and financial and procurement management.

Project Development Objective (PDO) Level Indicators

  1. The implementation progress will be measured against the following PDO-level indicators:
  2. Fisheries management informed by timely availability of fisheries data to national and regional stakeholders:
    1. Minimum number of FFA Members providing timely information to the updated IUU fishing information dashboard
    2. Number of FFA Members increasingly using the updated NTIS for intelligence and resource sharing.
    3. Improved regular strategic reports on economic and investment trends in WCPO tuna fisheries and related sectors produced
  3. Number of FFA Members reporting that fisheries-related policy making is being informed by policy briefs
  • Number of FFA Member country representatives reporting improved capacity and confidence in negotiation fisheries arrangements and agreements.
  1. The PROPER PMU will monitor progress against implementation of the project activities with progress toward the achievement of the project’s expected outcomes.
  2. An independent mid-term review of the project’s implementation progress will be conducted half way through the project’s implementation phase.

Contact: Project Coordinator, FFA.

Attached Files

ToRs for FFA site survey consultancy_Approved.pdfDownload
ESCP FFA PROPER_Negotiated June 20 2023.pdfDownload
2019 PROP FFA MTR - Final Report.pdfDownload

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