Entries by Sakaio Manoa

Illegal Unreported Unregulated Tuna Fishing IUU

Regional Cooperation reduces Illegal, Unreported & Unregulated tuna fishing in Pacific The annual volume of catch thought to be taken by illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing in the tuna fisheries of the Western and Central Pacific has reduced over the past decade with only 5% due to unlicensed and unregulated tuna fishing, according to […]

Maritime boundaries high-level dialogue

Opening remarks by Forum Fisheries Agency FFA Director-General Dr Manu Tupou-Roosen Your Excellency Honourable David Panuelo, President of the Federated States of Micronesia Honourable Henry Puna, Pacific Oceans Commissioner and Secretary General of the Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat Dr Stuart Minchin, Director General of the Pacific Community Distinguished representatives and partners It is a great […]

Pacific fisheries protected through co-operative surveillance operation

One of the largest fisheries surveillance operations in the world, Operation Kurukuru, came to a successful close today following 12 days of international co-operationto target Illegal, Unregulated and Unreported (IUU) fishing in the Pacific. Pacific Islands Forum Fisheries Agency (FFA) Director Fisheries Operations, Allan Rahari said the FFA-coordinated Operation combined intelligence gathering, analysis and surveillance […]

Chair of the Forum Fisheries Hon. Semi Koroilavesau (Fiji)

Committee Ministers Hon. Semi Koroilavesau (Fiji) Distinguished Honourable Ministers of our Forum Fisheries Agency member countries Director-General Dr. Manu Tupou-Roosen and members of the FFA Secretariat Ladies and gentlemen Ni sa Bula Vinaka and a very good morning to you all. Thank you for this opportunity to call our meeting to order. I would like […]

IN LOVING MEMORY Professor William Ross Edeson

26 November 1942 – 12 October 2021 Professor Edeson, known to many as Professor Bill, was a man of extraordinary intellect, kind, personable, caring, humble and genuine. During his illustrious career, Professor Edeson excelled in academia as well as in the service of countries and international organisations. He had a superb knowledge of the Law […]

Forum Fisheries Committee Ministerial Meeting 18

FFCMIN18 – FFA DG’s opening statement Thank you Honourable Chair. Let me begin by acknowledging Our Heavenly Father who is always with us and join in thanking the Hon. Minister Mona Ainu’u of Niue for the wonderful prayer to start our day. I acknowledge the Honourable Ministers here today, FFC Officials Chair Baleinabuli, Heads of […]

Covid-19 Climate change impacts on Pacific tuna fisheries

Pacific Ministers prioritise addressing Covid-19 and climate change impacts on Pacific tuna fisheries. Pacific Ministers have identified dealing with the immediate impacts of Covid-19 and the longer term threats of climate change on offshore fisheries as key areas to address, at the 18th Forum Fisheries Committee Ministerial (FFCMin18) meeting, which concluded yesterday. New FFCMin18 Chair, Fiji Minister for Fisheries, […]

Operation Island Chief continues protection of Pacific from illegal fishing

A Pacific Islands Forum Fisheries Agency-led surveillance operation covering 18.4 million square kilometres, came to a successful closure today (Friday 6th August 2021).   FFA Director Fisheries Operations, Allan Rahari said that despite the 10-day Operation covering a substantial area it was bolstered by local knowledge and expertise. “Island Chief, one of four operations conducted […]

Food security, climate financing and community fisheries

Key concerns for Pacific fisheries ministers Last week, the Pacific Regional Fisheries Ministers Meeting took place online addressing regional priorities for the Pacific’s coastal fisheries, aquaculture and marine sectors. The gathering included fisheries ministers and officials from the Pacific Island Forum countries and territories, as well as regional organisations and observers. “Today is a call for concerted […]

Warming Waters Threaten Tuna-Dependent Economies in the Pacific

STUDY – Climate change is driving tuna further to the east, threatening the economic security of several small island states Global warming is expected to progressively push tuna populations from the waters of 10 Pacific Small Island Developing States (SIDS)* into the high seas, disrupting island economies, according to a new collaborative study by Conservation International and […]

NZ extends support for Pacific Fisheries

The ongoing, sustainable management of the Pacific’s offshore fisheries is the focus of a new NZD$18 million Arrangement signed between the New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT) and the Pacific Islands Forum Fisheries Agency (FFA). The five-year Arrangement, signed in Honiara on Friday, gives funding and planning certainty to an industry that contributes an […]